Diagnostic Test Kit
Antibody & Antigen

The Significance and Methods of Food Safety Rapid Test

As we all know, food safety is a major issue that affects people's daily lives. So, what methods and devices are available in the food processing industry to quickly detect these hazards? Today, let's talk about what you need to know about food safety rapid test.

The meaning of food safety rapid test

  • Quick testing is a powerful tool for food safety regulators: In the daily health supervision process, besides sensory detection, the use of on-site rapid testing methods can help find suspicious problems in a timely manner and quickly take corresponding measures. This is significant in improving the efficiency and strength of supervision work and ensuring food safety.

  • Rapid testing is a beneficial supplement to laboratory routine testing: Using food safety rapid test kits can move up the warning time for food safety and expand the control range of food safety. When necessary, problem samples can be sent to a laboratory for further testing, which not only improves the efficiency of supervision and detection but also proposes targeted testing projects, achieving a beneficial complement between on-site testing and laboratory testing.

  • Quick testing is an effective measure for large-scale event hygiene security and emergency event handling: In large-scale event hygiene security, it is essential to prevent mass food poisoning.

What are the forms of on-site food safety rapid test methods?

Paper strip method: 

Qualitative determination and quantitative indication are directly obtained by coloration of the paper strip. Qualitative determination and quasi-quantitative indication are obtained by chromatographic coloring of the paper strip or chromatographic coloring with colloidal gold. Semi-quantitative determination is obtained by the depth of coloration of the paper strip.

Test tube method: 

Qualitative determination and semi-quantitative determination are obtained by coloration with the rapid test tube.

Dropper bottle method: 

The content of the sample is determined by counting the number of drops of the standard solution consumed.

What are the forms of results expression in food safety rapid test kits?

Qualitative determination: 

It rapidly determines whether the tested sample contains toxic and harmful substances or whether the tested substance itself is toxic and harmful. It is usually expressed as negative or positive. Negative means the substance to be tested was not detected by this method. Positive means toxic and harmful substances were detected.

Quantitative determination: 

It quickly determines whether the tested sample contains toxic and harmful substances that exceed the standard limit or whether the effective substance has reached the standard limit. It is usually expressed as qualified or unqualified.

Semi-quantitative determination: 

It can quickly determine the approximate content of the substance being measured, usually expressed as qualified or unqualified, and can also indicate specific values.

Quantitative determination: 

Physical indicators detected include temperature, humidity, intensity of ultraviolet radiation in disinfection room, and electrical conductivity of pure water. It is usually expressed in specific values.

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